2 Timothy 2:15-16 (New American Standard Bible)
15Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.
16But avoid worldly and empty chatter, for it will lead to further ungodliness
(King James Version)
5Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
16But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness.
I like to think of myself as an ever-growing, ever-evolving Christian. In the past, I've been the typical Sunday morning Christian, and on Monday I was right back to my foolishness, having listened to the word but not absorbing it and applying it to my everyday life. Now, I question things that preachers say, and am slowly working on my "Study to show thyself approved."
Too many times, people take the Bible out of context. As one intelligent person calls it, the bible is Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. I definitely agree with that. If we do what we are supposed to--STUDY--then we develop our own relationship with God. We learn what the words of the bible truly mean, and others that try to impose their interpretation of the bible upon you fail. We are to beware of "false prophets" (Matthew 7:15) that use the bible and the words of God and his people to cause confusion. It is only when we develop a true, lasting, and ever-growing relationship with God that we can discern for ourselves what we need to do.
I hear people question God all the time. Nothing is wrong with questioning God when you have a relationship with him. God has an open door policy. What God DOESN'T want you to do is lose your faith. People that have lost their faith and are questioning God don't have the correct platform with which to reach him. But when we have a developing relationship with God and STUDY (there goes that word again), then we will know exactly what to do in any situation.
Those that constantly question God and His word, claim to have a relationship with Him, yet have not done God His due diligence by picking up a bible confuse me. How can anyone say that they know ANYTHING without observing, taking notes, learning all they can about a subject? When we don't do our part, things get misconstrued, false judgements are made, and we possibly miss a relationship that could have been great. It's the same way with God. We HAVE to STUDY!!!!
Someone can be intelligent and great at absorption. They can sit in a classroom, not take notes, and absorb all the information that the teacher is giving. When the test comes, it's easy to spew out all the information that was given. But if the test is a test in which answers are not enough, what happens? A student has given the teacher exactly what the teacher has given him, but what about application? What about all of the scenarios in which these answers can be applied? The same goes for a relationship with God. So many people can sit in the church and listen to everything the pastor gives them, be moved by the sermon and the "Christianese" even, but if that churchgoer does not cultivate a relationship outside of just what is given to him, how can he apply? I must admit, I have been guilty of just going to church, taking in what was said, and leaving, not even remembering sometimes what the sermon was. I've hit the parking lot and been ready to go wherever and do whatever, not even thinking about the consequences of my actions or the application of the word to my life.
This is why a personal relationship with God is so necessary. We need to be able to walk through our week knowing that we are prepared for anything that is thrown at us. We don't study, we don't apply, and therefore we don't "rightly divide the word of truth." We end up relying on our own truths and getting into some mess we shouldn't be in, or disproportionatley handling a situation that could have been resolved peacefully, decently, and in order.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Alone with my thoughts...
My memory is like Jay-Z's Blueprint--it's a gift and a curse. There are conversations I can repeat word for word back to you, situations where I can tell what everyone was doing, what they were wearing, etc. I'd probably be a great witness if the police needed to do a sketch for a suspect. But on the other hand, I hold onto things for years and rehash those situations over and over with anyone that will listen. The worst part, however, is how my mind replays situations over and over again, giving me time to think about what I should have done differently, what I could have said, and what the possible and maybe better outcome could have been. I've been like this for years, partially I believe because of all of the times people have tried to discredit me. But I'm 26 years old now, and shouldn't care about what others think, right? Of course I shouldn't. And I shouldn't be worried about people who aren't thinking about me, right? Of course not.
I'm starting to think that it has more to do with me and not with the other people involved. Alot of my mental replays have to do with what I could have said or what I should have said to make the situtations go a different way. How I shouldn't have gotten emotional, or maybe I should have written down everything I wanted to say before I got there as to make sure I didn't forget anything. It's more of me replaying all of the times where I have felt like I failed myself.
My husband pointed out (before we got married) that I was demarcating time with the men that were in my life. I didn't even realize it. I could tell him where I was and what I was doing based on the year and the man that I was dealing with. I wasn't bringing this up to get a rile out of my husband, nor was I conscious that I was doing it at all. I realized then that I had to work on myself. I have made a conscious effort to not demarcate time in the same way I have done in the past. I find it so much easier since my husband pointed it out, becasue the only man that has had my attention is him. I know that it is something that gets under his skin, and I have worked on other ways of recalling the past.
It's definitely a battle, because I'm always remembering situations in my life where I feel people did me wrong. I know it's not healthy, and I know that all those memories and people involved have power over me for as long as I harp over the past. I am working on getting out of the habit of bringing up old things. It's time to make new memories.
I'm starting to think that it has more to do with me and not with the other people involved. Alot of my mental replays have to do with what I could have said or what I should have said to make the situtations go a different way. How I shouldn't have gotten emotional, or maybe I should have written down everything I wanted to say before I got there as to make sure I didn't forget anything. It's more of me replaying all of the times where I have felt like I failed myself.
My husband pointed out (before we got married) that I was demarcating time with the men that were in my life. I didn't even realize it. I could tell him where I was and what I was doing based on the year and the man that I was dealing with. I wasn't bringing this up to get a rile out of my husband, nor was I conscious that I was doing it at all. I realized then that I had to work on myself. I have made a conscious effort to not demarcate time in the same way I have done in the past. I find it so much easier since my husband pointed it out, becasue the only man that has had my attention is him. I know that it is something that gets under his skin, and I have worked on other ways of recalling the past.
It's definitely a battle, because I'm always remembering situations in my life where I feel people did me wrong. I know it's not healthy, and I know that all those memories and people involved have power over me for as long as I harp over the past. I am working on getting out of the habit of bringing up old things. It's time to make new memories.
letting go,
Monday, July 20, 2009
1st Anniversary!!!
Today was a very calm day. I decided to stay at home and try to be a little productive with cleaning/getting ready to move. (We still have yet to find somewhere to live, our lease is up July 31st...it is now July 20th...)
This past Friday marked the one year anniversary of making one of the best decisions of my life. Thursday, July 17th, 2008, at approximately 12:05am, me and Terrence Aaron Pruitt decided to make it official, to be a couple. It is one of the things that I am happy and proud of doing, and can't thank God enough for this man!!!
I'll give a run down of the weekend....
FRIDAY.My hubby told me that he was taking care of the celebratory festivities, and the only thing I had to do was get cute and be ready. Friday I went to work anticipating what was to come. All day, I could not focus on work. My boss had already told me it was okay to cut out a few hours early, and I was just waiting til 3pm came around. I was so anxious that I didn't even realize that 3pm had come and gone, it was close to 4pm, and my husband had sent me a text letting me know he had been downstairs waiting on me.
Once we got home, got ready, and headed out, I was already aware we were going to dinner, I just didn't know where. When we pulled up in front of Fogo de Chao, I was ecstatic. Friends had told me about this place, and I hadn't been able to remember the name so I could tell T. The place is dope. It's a Brazilian restaurant, beautiful ambiance, delicious food. You must go!!!
T told me that part of the night's plans had been thwarted because of the weather (thanks el nino). Despite the weather, we enjoyed each other's company, and headed home to chill before going to sleep. I was told I needed rest for the next day's events and my 9am appointment.
SATURDAY. Because of the hints T had been giving me for the past week, I assumed that I would be going to a spa Saturday morning. I just had no idea how much planning and thought had gone into my spa day. While the workers got the spa set up and I sat waiting for my spa day to start, T set out a nice breakfast for me on one of the tables at the spa. Strawberries, muffins, and mimosas would keep myself and the staff company until he returned. It was then that the receptionist revealed that I would be there for four hours. FOUR HOURS!!!! All I was thinking was what does this man have planned for me?! Nevertheless, I received a manicure/pedicure, complete with paraffin wax and polish, a full body massage AND a facial!!!! I sipped multiple mimosas, a listened to the CD my man had made for me while I just relaxed and enjoyed my day.
Next, he picked me up, WITH OUR CAR COMPLETELY DETAILED!!!! If you know anything about us, you'd know that that car has seen some rough times, and the interior was covered in shoes, papers, Tyler's toys and anything else you could probably imagine. My hubby had spent his time waiting for me cleaning out our car. I was so happy, and thanked him for being such a sweetheart. We then stopped at Fannie May's to let me pick out some chocolate for myself and then headed to Dixie Kitchen for lunch.
The plan was to go to my cousin's 30th birthday party that night, but our mini nap when we arrived at home turned into full fledged sleep. Instead, we rushed to the nearest Target to purchase the 4th season of 24 and Busta Rhymes' new CD...both were definitely good buys!!!! We grabbed some food on the way home and enjoyed each other's company as we watched another season of 24. Gotta love Jack Bauer!!!
SUNDAY. Sunday was a little rough. We were both super sleepy and fought hard to stay in the bed. But we knew we had to be obedient and finally got our tails up and headed to church. It was definitely worth it. After church we grabbed a few things and headed over to my mom's/grandma's house to barbecue. Turkey burgers, italian turkey sausage, steak, chicken wings, corn, potato salad...all of it was off the chain!!! We definitely have dinner for the next week in our refrigerator.
I am just thankful for T. I am living proof that if you pray and get specific with God, if it is right for you, God will acquiesce. I started by making a list of exactly what I wanted in a man. T had been on my mind, but other things kept us from pursuing a relationship. But God made it so we would be able to get to know each other even better and become man and wife. I am so happy and thankful each day that God saw fit to bless me with exactly what I wanted--no carbon copy, no knock offs--He gave me the real deal!!!!
Until next time....
Today was a very calm day. I decided to stay at home and try to be a little productive with cleaning/getting ready to move. (We still have yet to find somewhere to live, our lease is up July 31st...it is now July 20th...)
This past Friday marked the one year anniversary of making one of the best decisions of my life. Thursday, July 17th, 2008, at approximately 12:05am, me and Terrence Aaron Pruitt decided to make it official, to be a couple. It is one of the things that I am happy and proud of doing, and can't thank God enough for this man!!!
I'll give a run down of the weekend....
FRIDAY.My hubby told me that he was taking care of the celebratory festivities, and the only thing I had to do was get cute and be ready. Friday I went to work anticipating what was to come. All day, I could not focus on work. My boss had already told me it was okay to cut out a few hours early, and I was just waiting til 3pm came around. I was so anxious that I didn't even realize that 3pm had come and gone, it was close to 4pm, and my husband had sent me a text letting me know he had been downstairs waiting on me.
Once we got home, got ready, and headed out, I was already aware we were going to dinner, I just didn't know where. When we pulled up in front of Fogo de Chao, I was ecstatic. Friends had told me about this place, and I hadn't been able to remember the name so I could tell T. The place is dope. It's a Brazilian restaurant, beautiful ambiance, delicious food. You must go!!!
T told me that part of the night's plans had been thwarted because of the weather (thanks el nino). Despite the weather, we enjoyed each other's company, and headed home to chill before going to sleep. I was told I needed rest for the next day's events and my 9am appointment.
SATURDAY. Because of the hints T had been giving me for the past week, I assumed that I would be going to a spa Saturday morning. I just had no idea how much planning and thought had gone into my spa day. While the workers got the spa set up and I sat waiting for my spa day to start, T set out a nice breakfast for me on one of the tables at the spa. Strawberries, muffins, and mimosas would keep myself and the staff company until he returned. It was then that the receptionist revealed that I would be there for four hours. FOUR HOURS!!!! All I was thinking was what does this man have planned for me?! Nevertheless, I received a manicure/pedicure, complete with paraffin wax and polish, a full body massage AND a facial!!!! I sipped multiple mimosas, a listened to the CD my man had made for me while I just relaxed and enjoyed my day.
Next, he picked me up, WITH OUR CAR COMPLETELY DETAILED!!!! If you know anything about us, you'd know that that car has seen some rough times, and the interior was covered in shoes, papers, Tyler's toys and anything else you could probably imagine. My hubby had spent his time waiting for me cleaning out our car. I was so happy, and thanked him for being such a sweetheart. We then stopped at Fannie May's to let me pick out some chocolate for myself and then headed to Dixie Kitchen for lunch.
The plan was to go to my cousin's 30th birthday party that night, but our mini nap when we arrived at home turned into full fledged sleep. Instead, we rushed to the nearest Target to purchase the 4th season of 24 and Busta Rhymes' new CD...both were definitely good buys!!!! We grabbed some food on the way home and enjoyed each other's company as we watched another season of 24. Gotta love Jack Bauer!!!
SUNDAY. Sunday was a little rough. We were both super sleepy and fought hard to stay in the bed. But we knew we had to be obedient and finally got our tails up and headed to church. It was definitely worth it. After church we grabbed a few things and headed over to my mom's/grandma's house to barbecue. Turkey burgers, italian turkey sausage, steak, chicken wings, corn, potato salad...all of it was off the chain!!! We definitely have dinner for the next week in our refrigerator.
I am just thankful for T. I am living proof that if you pray and get specific with God, if it is right for you, God will acquiesce. I started by making a list of exactly what I wanted in a man. T had been on my mind, but other things kept us from pursuing a relationship. But God made it so we would be able to get to know each other even better and become man and wife. I am so happy and thankful each day that God saw fit to bless me with exactly what I wanted--no carbon copy, no knock offs--He gave me the real deal!!!!
Until next time....
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Love is...
So many people claim to know what love is. Here's some responses I've gotten lately...
*True love =you can eat off my plate and I won't kill you (I kinda agree with that one)
*True love is spending time apart and yearning to be with that person. You're counting the time till you can see them again.
*True love is not using a condom (yeah, I've heard someone say that).
*True love is spending my money on you
I believe in true love...the type of love where you spend all your time thinking about someone...you can't help but find a way to talk about them in every conversation you have...you can live without them, but you sure as hell don't want to...your heart yearns to be with that person, no matter if you just saw them ten minutes ago...no matter how much time passes, you find more reasons why you love them...you try to stay mad and it never works...encouraging them to be the best person they can be...helping them reach their goals and achieve their dreams...I believe in love, true love...that type of love that makes your whole day go wrong when that person is not near you or you can't hear their voice...when no matter how long you've been with them, the love always seems new and fresh.
I have been blessed to find my soulmate, my help meet in my husband. Not many people can say that the person they have married is the person they're supposed to be with. I find this sad and downright unacceptable. People marry for so many reasons, but few are the right ones.
For the most part, I believe that the descriptions of true love above(minus the one about the condom...don't get me started on that one) are all very accurate. Some may question the money one, but I'll explain...
My husband and I have had multiple conversations about money and relationships. Before we got married, talking about money was always an uncomfortable subject for me (it still kinda is). What my husband (boyfriend at the time) explained to me was that I was his woman, and anything I needed, he was there to provide. I told him how uncomfortable I was talking about money, and he told me that I needed to get over it. I told him about a friend whose boyfriend had told her "Don't you know I love you? I wouldn't be spending all my money on you and giving you stuff if I didn't love you!"
At first, the words of my friend's significant other bothered me. How can he equate his love with money and possessions? I thought. I shared this with my boo. He then explained to me something that made perfect sense. He told me that where a man's heart is, that's where his money is as well. A man, he said, won't spend signifcant amounts of money on just some woman. Yeah he might take someone out to dinner or a movie or something, but that isn't significant. When a man starts dropping copious amounts of money on a woman, that woman is what he loves. His money goes where his heart is. It makes sense!!!
Well here we are married, in love, and open as hell about everything, and I still don't like talking about money. I've gotten a little bit better than before, but I still cringe a little at the subject. He tells me to get over it, and I suppose I will at some point, but for now....
I'm out. Work is over, and I'm going to see my man!!!
This song describes everything I feel for my man!!! I only wish everyone got to know this feeling...
Point of it All, Anthony Hamilton
I can't stay away from you too long\
Even if I do I always call
Check in on you, make sure you're okay
Be the one to brighten up your day
And the point of it all
Is I love you
You know I love you baby
My days seem long whenever we're apart
It´s like someone has thrown away my heart
You´re a major part of my life
And no matter what the storm may bring
I´m fine with you,
And the point of it all
Is I love you
And the reason for it all
Is I love you
O I love
O I love you
O my love
I can´t stay away too long
I can´t stay away from you baby
Don´t wanna be without you
I need you
O why don´t you stay
Around for awhile
And the point of it all
And the point of it all
And the point of it all
And the point of it all
Ohhohh, and the reason for it all
And the point of it all
Is that I love you
Yeah, I love you
Whenever we're apart
It damn near starves my heart
And I don´t ever want to be apart
*True love =you can eat off my plate and I won't kill you (I kinda agree with that one)
*True love is spending time apart and yearning to be with that person. You're counting the time till you can see them again.
*True love is not using a condom (yeah, I've heard someone say that).
*True love is spending my money on you
I believe in true love...the type of love where you spend all your time thinking about someone...you can't help but find a way to talk about them in every conversation you have...you can live without them, but you sure as hell don't want to...your heart yearns to be with that person, no matter if you just saw them ten minutes ago...no matter how much time passes, you find more reasons why you love them...you try to stay mad and it never works...encouraging them to be the best person they can be...helping them reach their goals and achieve their dreams...I believe in love, true love...that type of love that makes your whole day go wrong when that person is not near you or you can't hear their voice...when no matter how long you've been with them, the love always seems new and fresh.
I have been blessed to find my soulmate, my help meet in my husband. Not many people can say that the person they have married is the person they're supposed to be with. I find this sad and downright unacceptable. People marry for so many reasons, but few are the right ones.
For the most part, I believe that the descriptions of true love above(minus the one about the condom...don't get me started on that one) are all very accurate. Some may question the money one, but I'll explain...
My husband and I have had multiple conversations about money and relationships. Before we got married, talking about money was always an uncomfortable subject for me (it still kinda is). What my husband (boyfriend at the time) explained to me was that I was his woman, and anything I needed, he was there to provide. I told him how uncomfortable I was talking about money, and he told me that I needed to get over it. I told him about a friend whose boyfriend had told her "Don't you know I love you? I wouldn't be spending all my money on you and giving you stuff if I didn't love you!"
At first, the words of my friend's significant other bothered me. How can he equate his love with money and possessions? I thought. I shared this with my boo. He then explained to me something that made perfect sense. He told me that where a man's heart is, that's where his money is as well. A man, he said, won't spend signifcant amounts of money on just some woman. Yeah he might take someone out to dinner or a movie or something, but that isn't significant. When a man starts dropping copious amounts of money on a woman, that woman is what he loves. His money goes where his heart is. It makes sense!!!
Well here we are married, in love, and open as hell about everything, and I still don't like talking about money. I've gotten a little bit better than before, but I still cringe a little at the subject. He tells me to get over it, and I suppose I will at some point, but for now....
I'm out. Work is over, and I'm going to see my man!!!
This song describes everything I feel for my man!!! I only wish everyone got to know this feeling...
Point of it All, Anthony Hamilton
I can't stay away from you too long\
Even if I do I always call
Check in on you, make sure you're okay
Be the one to brighten up your day
And the point of it all
Is I love you
You know I love you baby
My days seem long whenever we're apart
It´s like someone has thrown away my heart
You´re a major part of my life
And no matter what the storm may bring
I´m fine with you,
And the point of it all
Is I love you
And the reason for it all
Is I love you
O I love
O I love you
O my love
I can´t stay away too long
I can´t stay away from you baby
Don´t wanna be without you
I need you
O why don´t you stay
Around for awhile
And the point of it all
And the point of it all
And the point of it all
And the point of it all
Ohhohh, and the reason for it all
And the point of it all
Is that I love you
Yeah, I love you
Whenever we're apart
It damn near starves my heart
And I don´t ever want to be apart
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
The Introduction...
Let me start off by introducing myself. I, MyDearAdia, am a wife, daughter, sister, lover, friend, step-mother and Christian. I am a student of life, never stating that I know everything, only accepting the fact that I have so much more to learn.
This blog is meant to be a way for me to express myself on whatever matter concerns me. Whether I'm talking love, politics, religion, or something else, this blog is for me. Feel free to read and respond, I love getting different viewpoints on subjects.
I currently live in Chicago (born and raised) with my husband, King Kito. He's a dean for a high school as well as an AMAZING music producer. It's only a matter of time before that man of mine gets all the recognition he deserves!!! As for me, I am an aspiring writer, hoping to get the inspiration that will then provide the motivation for me to complete my first book by year's end (I'm giving it til early 2010). For now, I recruit and staff volunteers for a major organization's Chicago headquarters. Both my husband and I will be in law school in 2011, so for now we're working on our crafts and building our foundation as a newly married couple. We will be celebrating our one year anniversary of when we got together this weekend. Yay!
I am looking forward to this journey of Finding Me, and maybe you'll get to know me in the process. I can't wait!!!
This blog is meant to be a way for me to express myself on whatever matter concerns me. Whether I'm talking love, politics, religion, or something else, this blog is for me. Feel free to read and respond, I love getting different viewpoints on subjects.
I currently live in Chicago (born and raised) with my husband, King Kito. He's a dean for a high school as well as an AMAZING music producer. It's only a matter of time before that man of mine gets all the recognition he deserves!!! As for me, I am an aspiring writer, hoping to get the inspiration that will then provide the motivation for me to complete my first book by year's end (I'm giving it til early 2010). For now, I recruit and staff volunteers for a major organization's Chicago headquarters. Both my husband and I will be in law school in 2011, so for now we're working on our crafts and building our foundation as a newly married couple. We will be celebrating our one year anniversary of when we got together this weekend. Yay!
I am looking forward to this journey of Finding Me, and maybe you'll get to know me in the process. I can't wait!!!
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