2 Timothy 2:15-16 (New American Standard Bible)
15Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.
16But avoid worldly and empty chatter, for it will lead to further ungodliness
(King James Version)
5Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
16But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness.
I like to think of myself as an ever-growing, ever-evolving Christian. In the past, I've been the typical Sunday morning Christian, and on Monday I was right back to my foolishness, having listened to the word but not absorbing it and applying it to my everyday life. Now, I question things that preachers say, and am slowly working on my "Study to show thyself approved."
Too many times, people take the Bible out of context. As one intelligent person calls it, the bible is Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. I definitely agree with that. If we do what we are supposed to--STUDY--then we develop our own relationship with God. We learn what the words of the bible truly mean, and others that try to impose their interpretation of the bible upon you fail. We are to beware of "false prophets" (Matthew 7:15) that use the bible and the words of God and his people to cause confusion. It is only when we develop a true, lasting, and ever-growing relationship with God that we can discern for ourselves what we need to do.
I hear people question God all the time. Nothing is wrong with questioning God when you have a relationship with him. God has an open door policy. What God DOESN'T want you to do is lose your faith. People that have lost their faith and are questioning God don't have the correct platform with which to reach him. But when we have a developing relationship with God and STUDY (there goes that word again), then we will know exactly what to do in any situation.
Those that constantly question God and His word, claim to have a relationship with Him, yet have not done God His due diligence by picking up a bible confuse me. How can anyone say that they know ANYTHING without observing, taking notes, learning all they can about a subject? When we don't do our part, things get misconstrued, false judgements are made, and we possibly miss a relationship that could have been great. It's the same way with God. We HAVE to STUDY!!!!
Someone can be intelligent and great at absorption. They can sit in a classroom, not take notes, and absorb all the information that the teacher is giving. When the test comes, it's easy to spew out all the information that was given. But if the test is a test in which answers are not enough, what happens? A student has given the teacher exactly what the teacher has given him, but what about application? What about all of the scenarios in which these answers can be applied? The same goes for a relationship with God. So many people can sit in the church and listen to everything the pastor gives them, be moved by the sermon and the "Christianese" even, but if that churchgoer does not cultivate a relationship outside of just what is given to him, how can he apply? I must admit, I have been guilty of just going to church, taking in what was said, and leaving, not even remembering sometimes what the sermon was. I've hit the parking lot and been ready to go wherever and do whatever, not even thinking about the consequences of my actions or the application of the word to my life.
This is why a personal relationship with God is so necessary. We need to be able to walk through our week knowing that we are prepared for anything that is thrown at us. We don't study, we don't apply, and therefore we don't "rightly divide the word of truth." We end up relying on our own truths and getting into some mess we shouldn't be in, or disproportionatley handling a situation that could have been resolved peacefully, decently, and in order.
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ReplyDeleteOh, my man of little words...
ReplyDeleteLove ya babe ;)